
Impact Of Mobile Phones On Human Life

Mobile phones are known as cellular phone, wireless phone, or cellular telephone, which is a little portable radio telephone. It is a combination of two technologies, which are telephone/mobile phone. The mobile phones can be used to communicate over long distances without wires. The top-flight phones available now have the processing power and storage available in desktop computers just four to five years ago. The mobile phone is rapidly becoming the uber device which the one that seems to have it all and becomes even more essential. It also already started functioning as more than just communication devices. Use of mobile phone in student’s life is not limited to speaking with others , it is being used in making video , recording information and transmitting it to another phone or computer was being done by a computer . Besides that , other facilities like online chatting , conferencing , sending text , transferring MMS information by a mobile phone are compatible with computer . This features plays a vital role in the stressful and fast-paced life of a student . Mobile phones can be a helpful academic tool or a harmful academic disruption depending upon the attitude and use pattern of the student owner . But also some advantages of using mobile phones which are , it’s portability, multifunctional, mobile phone as a communication tool , useful applications for students , can release stress . Meanwhile the disadvantages are causes addiction, a risk to student’s health, wastage and its bad influences to students. Besides that, mobile phones is multifunctional.

Mobile phones have changed the way we live our lives. Now not only can they help us stay connected with friends and family over social media or talk to someone on a video call without paying for data usage, but they also make everything from booking hotels and cabs to capturing memories easier than ever before thanks to their built-in cameras! We have more information in our hands than at any time in history. It has become second nature to quickly lookup helpful resources for whatever activity we need to do. Our gadgets can even anticipate what information we need and present it to us when it is most useful.